80C |
Rs. 1,50,000 |
80CCD(2) | Employer's contribution to NPS account | Maximum up to 10% of salary |
80CCD(1B) | Additional contribution to NPS | Rs. 50,000 |
80TTA(1) | Interest Income from Savings account | Maximum up to 10,000 |
80GG | For rent paid when HRA is not received from employer | Least of rent paid minus 10% of total income, Rs. 2000/- per month , 25% of total income |
80E | Interest on education loan | Interest paid for a period of 8 years |
80CCG | Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme for investments in Equities | Lower of - 50% of amount invested in equity shares or Rs 25,000 |
80D | Medical Insurance - Self, spouse, children Medical Insurance - Parents more than 60 years old or (from FY 2015-16) uninsured parents more than 80 years old |
Rs. 25,000 Rs. 30,000 |
80DD |
Medical treatment for handicapped dependant or payment to specified scheme for maintenance of handicapped dependant
Rs. 75,000 Rs. 1,25,000 |
80DDB |
Medical Expenditure on Self or Dependent Relative for diseases specified in Rule 11DD
Lower of Rs 40,000 or amount actually paid Lower of Rs 60,000 or amount actually paid Lower of Rs 80,000 or amount actually paid |
80U |
Self suffering from disability:
Rs. 75,000 Rs. 1,25,000 |
80GGB | Contribution by companies to political parties | Amount contributed (not allowed in cash) |
80GGC | Contribution by individuals to political parties | Amount contributed (not allowed in cash) |